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  • arlieandruth

Election Reflection

Several concepts have been making their presence known in the recesses of my mind from time to time. They are biblical concepts, since that is my sphere of wanderings, but this is not meant to be an exegetical exercise.

The first is that there is a paucity of persons who can stand up and be counted. That situation is detailed in Isaiah 59:14-20. No justice, no truth, no man dependable, so the LORD takes matters into His own hands. And He will, for there is a day of reckoning.

The second is an expansion of the first. Genesis 18-19 relates the account of there not being enough righteous to avert the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Are there enough now? Maybe, and maybe not. Only God knows how many are enough. And maybe His plan is different this time.

The third is that people taking office who are useful in God's plan are not always honorable and neither are their methods. Daniel 11 prophesies a despicable person who will take the kingdom through intrigue. That was fulfilled in the past, but God foretold it ahead of time, and He did not stop it. Some say the election of one candidate is fraudulent, and others say that if the other candidate wins he will have subverted the election. And that may be God's will.

In any case, our assignment remains the same, and our trust in not in politics, but in Christ.

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